Accept all major credit cards. Whether you have a retail store, internet company, non profit organization, or would like a no obligation review of your current merchant services I have a solution for your business.
Provinding you the ability to accept all major payment cards including credit,debit,gift and loyalty cards,government
and fleet cards,electronic checks,wireless processing,recurring billing,petroleum and automated fuel delivery,web based processing,and POS software integration.
Our customers benefit from some of the best pricing in the industry, all with no hidden fees and no long term contracts.
Contact us today for a personalized business solution on how to lower your existing processing fees or to aquire new services for your business.
You and your business can expect to receive:
Expertise in a wide range of business and industry types
Some of the lowest rates in the industry
24 hours a day 7 days a week technical support and customer service
Fast, flexible approvals
To learn more call 860-608-0131
Or quicken the process by faxing your most recent merchant statement for a competitive savings analysis. Fax to: 860-399-0200